Dictionary Of Christian Words, Copyright, all rights reserved.



Yaho, Yah, Iao, are all names of pagan gods. The Israelites adopted these gods and their names.  These are not the true names of God.

Yaho (Heb.). Furst shows this to be the same as the Greek Iao. Yaho is an old Semitic and very mystic name of the supreme deity, while Yah (q.v.) is a later abbreviation which, from containing an abstract ideal, became finally applied to, and connected with, a phallic symbol -- the lingham of creation. Both Yah and Yaho were Hebrew "mystery names" derived from Iao, but the Chaldeans had a Yaho named Ia or Ya(h) before the Jews adopted the name, and with them, as explained by some Gnostics and Neo-Platonists (Clement--Iao-ve, Origen--Iao, Epiphanius--Iave, Theodoret--Iabe, Jews--Ala:  see Jehovah Ency Britannica Vol 12, Page 995, 1958 edtion); The true key of this mystery god was communicated to the Initiates only, was that the name of IAO was "triliteral (triune, trinity) and its nature secret", as explained by the Hierophants. The Phoenicians too had a supreme deity whose name was triliteral, triune, and trinity, and its meanings secret, this was also Iao; and Y-ha-ho was a sacred word in the Egyptian mysteries, which signified "the one eternal and concealed deity." Iah or Yah is also the Egyptian moon god.


Iao (IAO is seen in connection with magic and mysticism among ocult groups) is the Greek form of Yah.


Yah (Heb.). The word, as claimed in the Zohar, through which the Elohim formed the worlds. The syllable is a national adaptation and one of the many forms of the "mystery name" IAO. (See "Iaho" and "Yaho".)

Yahweh. See also Jehovah, YHVH

Jehovah: The Jewish deity modernly name J'hovah, is a compound of two words, viz of Jah (y, i, or j, Yodh, the tenth letter of the alphabet) and hovah (Havah, or Eve)," says a Kabalistic authority, Mr. J. Ralston Skinner of Cincinnati, U.S.A. And again, "The word Jehovah, or Jah-Eve, has the primary meaning of existence or being as male female". It means Kabalistically the latter, indeed, and nothing more; and as repeatedly shown is entirely phallic. Now as to its other meaning by scholars see Strongs #1943 where hovah means ruin, disaster.  Hence Je-hovah is the god of ruin and disaster.  See also Strongs #5753 where ahvah means to do perversily.  Hence J-ahvah or Y-ahvah is a god that does perversily.  Last, look at Strongs #5773 ahveh, meaning distorting and perverting.  Thus, Y-ahveh or J-ahveh (Yahweh is the same name): means the god who distorts and perverts.

Jehovah the invented name: According to unsubstaniated tradition, the name Jehovah was first pronounced in this manner when vowel letter points were placed with the letters of the tetragrammaton YHVH in the Massoretic text.  This text is claimed to have been vowel-marked by Rabbi Ben Asher sometime around the eighth century AD.  The name Jehovah is first found in a manuscript of Martini's Pugio Fidei (1278AD), and in Galatinus (1518) who wrote an argument against abbreviating it to Jova because this would expose the name as being that of the Latin Jovis (Ibid).  To escape a pagan connection it was claimed by these sacred-namers that the spelling of Jehovah was fabricated by taking the vowels out of the Hebrew Adhonay (LORD) and inserting them into the tetragrammaton YHVH. This also has not been substantiated.  The King James version of 1611 contained this new invented name of God. Jehovah has three letter vowels "e", "o", and "a."  There is no "e" letter vowel in Adhonay and to claim the "y" as "e" is the source, shows this is nothing but cooking up a name.

Yahweh the invented name: The name Yahweh has its roots deep in past civilizations among the gods of their pagan pantheons.  Yahweh is not the name of the true Jewish God.  This name was invented modernly by Benedictine Gilbertus Genebrardus between 1550-1567. Genebrardus became the champion of the Samaritan Bible's name for God.  He extracted YaBe, changed the "B" to a "V" and produced YaVe, which as we can see  is the same thing of the gnostics and neo-platoist Clement--Iao-ve, Epiphanius--Iave, Theodoret--Iabe!  By adding the "h" he formed YaHveH and at last YaHweH as it is now spelled.  It is interesting to note that not in Clement, Origen, Epiphanius, or Theodoret, was there an attempt to reconcile these names of pagan gods with a tetragrammation name of YHVH.  Genebrardus did not try his hand at alphabet soup concerning the name of God until he translated the works of Origen and there he found the name of God issue and modernized the spelling. What has plagued this name Yahweh is the "Yah" portion that cannot be separated from paganism. This pagan prefix has been associated with Yah-shua the modern spelling suggested to replace the name of Jesus.  

The name Jesus does not have within it any of these pagan names or identities.  Jesus is NEVER Yah-shua.  This is a false name!