Jesus Messieh News Group List


1.) If you have been banned from the News Group List do not apply for access.
2.) We do not allow annoymous registrations.  You must disclose your real name.

The purpose of screening registrations is to make sure only those who are seeking Biblical answers and Truth are permitted to receive News Group Messages.

If you desire to join, send an email now to register and include the following:

a.) Your full real name;
b.) Your religious affiliation;
c.) Your mailing address.
d.) Write a paragraph of your salvation experience and include a statement why you would like to be a member of the News Group.

This is not an autoresponder, your registration will be processed.  If you are approved you will added to the News Group and you will receive an email of notification.  If you are rejected we will tell you.

Click Here To Register For Board Approval